eBook Publishing Services

Welcome to the NOOK® bookstore, where you'll find a vast selection of eBooks to satisfy your love of reading. Earn more royalties with your own sales page on Bookshop™—your free one-stop shop to sell your eBook directly to your readers while earning a whopping 85% of your retail sales. Your book will be ready to sell online in just a day or two after proof approval.

The Internet Archive and Open Library offer more than six million fully accessible public domain e-books. Project Gutenberg has over 52,000 freely available public domain e-books. An ebook can't be edited once it's been saved in one of the major file formats, so it's best to ensure you have an editable version saved in a program like Microsoft Word.

Some electronic publishers simply place texts online in their raw form without any proofing or editing; others are more discriminating. Electronic publishing is much quicker than conventional publishing . There's also a larger cut of the profits available for the author - if, of course, there are any. And as Mushroom Books points out, you'll never suffer the indignity of the remainder shelf. HarperCollins, Penguin and Random House all have EBOOK sections on their websites and these are worth exploring for newer fiction titles. There are two free software packages that can be downloaded from the internet, Adobe Acrobat reader and Microsoft Reader.

Random House and HarperCollins start to sell digital versions of their titles in English. 2002Palm, Inc and OverDrive, Inc make Palm Reader e-books available worldwide, offering over 5,000 e-books in several languages; these could be read on Palm PDAs or using a computer application. Microsoft releases the Microsoft Reader with ClearType for increased readability on PCs and handheld devices. Paul Baim releases the EBook 1.0 HyperCard stack that allows the user to easily convert any text file into a HyperCard based pageable book. Apple starts using its DocViewer format "to distribute documentation to developers in an electronic form", which effectively meant Inside Macintosh books. Hart types the US Declaration of Independence into a computer to create the first e-book available on the Internet and launches Project Gutenberg in order to create electronic copies of more books.

Because you’re looking to reach a wide audience with your eBook, you’ll want to not only promote the eBook on your website’s homepage, but also plan to distribute it through other outlets as well. EBooks are particularly great assets in the attract stage of the inbound marketing strategy. They create brand marketing awareness and offer value to visitors by giving them something that is useful to them. If you manage to do it right, you can turn those visitors into leads by gathering their contact details and moving them to the convert stage.

By the early 2010s, e-books had begun to overtake hardcover by overall publication figures in the U.S. Further technological developments may be the key to the next phase of ebook growth. Research is now taking place to perfect an ebook reader that resembles an A4 sheet of flexible plastic which can display many different forms of text and be folded up.


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